Form PM3 (                           Interim Report2:










(To be submitted by Grantee with each grant drawdown application, or at intervals no greater than 3 months)



                                                                            Form PM3(Part 2-Capital)






Project Title:

Scottish Archive Network


Project Ref No:











Name of Grantee:

Scottish Archive Network




















As stated in the Monitoring Documents referred to in your Grant Contract, you are required to submit to NHMF a Progress Report with each grant drawdown application, or at maximum intervals of 3 months in the absence of an application,  reporting on how the project is progressing towards meeting the Approved Purposes.


The headings and format of the Report, addressing the principal monitoring criteria, are shown below. These headings and format must be followed, but you may prepare your Report using computer software incorporating spreadsheets as appropriate. All sections  (expanded in size as necessary) are to be completed fully on each monthly report. (Use supplementary sheets if necessary).


PM forms should be returned in hardcopy and must be completed fully. Failure to do so will delay processing your Grant














Report No:



Report Date:

19 Jan 2001













Covering Period:

Dec 2000









1.                   General Progress/ Programme and Project Objectives

Enter summary report on general progress towards achievement of the Approved Purposes identifying any problems or issues to which NHMF’s attention should be drawn. Note any actions proposed in response to problems or particular areas of risk.


The project remains within budget and is scheduled to be completed on time.

See annex 1 for detailed progress and throughput reports.

See annex 2 for Project Board Minutes (19-12-00)

We will be writing separately about Dr Ross’s proposals about single page image capture in the testaments sub-project..

We will submit our full-scale review of the project, (requested by the project monitors) along with our proposals for change and the recast budget by the beginning of February.

11 archives have now requested installation of PCs. Details of these will be included in our next report.






2.             Partnership Funding

Enter progress towards securing partnership funds


Source of Funding

Amount expected (A)

Amount received to date (B)

Balance to come A-B)

Date balance expected





Aug 2002





Aug 2002










Aug 2002








                Explain any changes to sources of Partnership Funding since the last Progress Report







3.             Change Control


Enter requests for any material change to the Approved Purposes  which have been approved by NHMF since the last Report and advise of any potential requests for such change in the future.


Description of Change Item

Date of request to NHMF

Date of  NHMF response

Effect on  achievement of Approved Purposes

Effect on Programme

Effect on Costs





























 Note: NHMF Approval is required for any material change to the Approved Purposes


                Report on any effect to delivery of the Approved Purposes of any cost transfer between the principal cost elements stated in your “Notification of Grant”. (Note: no such transfer is to be made between capital and revenue elements, or between VAT and any other cost element, without NHMF prior consent ).


Amount of cost transfer (£’000)

Cost transfer from (cost element):

Cost transfer to (cost element):

Effect on delivery of Approved Purposes























4.             Review of Design Drawings and Documentation


                Enter any design reviews or comments received from NHMF or its Project Monitors since your last report


Work element for which Design/Document review has been carried out

Date reviewed

NHMF/Project Monitor’s comments (if any)

























5.             Timetable/Programme


Enter progress compared with the agreed Timetable/Programme for key activities  

Grant Expiry Date:  


Key Activity or milestone

Planned completion date

Actual (or  currently forecast) completion  date



 See Annex 1









































Overall Project Completion 








6.             Expenditure on Approved Costs


a) Cost Control

Enter expenditure to date against the key items of  Approved Cost (i.e. the costs on which NHMF has agreed to pay the Payment Percentage) compared with that detailed in the pre-commencement documentation. (VAT and Contingencies to be separately identified).


Items of  Approved Cost

(Principal cost elements)

Approved  Costs to completion as agreed at award

Out-turn Costs as currently forecast



Planned  costs to date - as submitted with Form PM1


Actual costs to Date










Balance of costs 




 (A- C)








Internet Server





























































































                Note any significant changes to the apportionment of costs between the principal cost elements prior to their commitment. Note the effect of any such changes and confirm that they will not affect the Approved Purposes including expected quality.


Cost transfer from :

Cost transfer to:

Amount (£)

Effect of Transfer













                b) Cash Flow

                Enter the expected timing of expenditure of the total Balance (A-C) calculated above and the funding sources to cover the expenditure







To date

Next  Qtr

2nd Qtr

3rd Qtr

4th Qtr

5th Qtr


Total to


Expenditure of Approved Cost


Total of C above








Total of A above

Funded by:


















Other source (1)









Other source (2)









Other source (3)









Total Funding (to equal Expenditure of Approved Cost)















7.            Procurement

Enter the current procurement status of any significant goods, works, or services currently being procured for the project, or awarded since the last Report. 



Services : brief description

Approx Value

EU procurement



No of tenderers

Date of tender return

Date of award

Selected Contractor/supplier/














































              Identify any goods/works/services not awarded to the lowest tenderer and provide reasons why the selected supplier/consultant/contractor offered best value for money.


8.             Property Ownership and Possession

                Note any evidence provided at the request of NHMF or the Project Monitor.


Property Description and evidence provided

Date evidence provided to NHMF








9.             Insurance


Enter the insurances you have effected:



Effective From Date

Expiry Date


Employer Liability Insurance



Computer Insurance




Office Insurance: Including Goods In Transit & Officers Liability Insurance.





10.          Appointment of  Staff  (Revenue Elements only, if any)


List the salaried staff  appointed (applicable to “Revenue” elements of project only) since your last Report and the total number of volunteers currently employed (if any). 


a)       Salaried Staff (Note: applicable only to staff whose salaries are included as Eligible Costs in the Approved project.






Date Appointed

Job Description sent to NHMF (Yes/No)

Media in which advert placed


Contract to NHMF (Yes/No)






















b)       Volunteer Staff 

The total number of Volunteer staff  employed at present is …………11…… (Details are provided with PM3 (Part1)


11.           Statutory Consents


Enter the status of the principal statutory consents required to complete the project


Consent Required

Granting Authority

Actual or expected date of consent





Listed Building




Scheduled Monument









12.          Publicity and Grant Acknowledgement


Enter displayed acknowledgement, press releases, or other publicity issued since the last report:



Date Issued

Approved by NHMF (Yes/No)

Displayed acknowledgement




Press Releases issued






Publicity issued









13.          Photographic Records



Confirm that you are making photographic records of the project                                              Y




















14.          Special Conditions


Indicate progress towards satisfying the Special Conditions (if any) noted in the Contract:



Special Condition

Target Date for  compliance

Current Status


See Annex 3                          






















Name of Grantee: Scottish Archive Network


Address: Thomas Thomson House, 99 Bankhead Crossway North, Edinburgh, EH11 4DX



Signed for Grantee: …Ishbel Barnes……………………………………………………..


Date:                                       19/01/01………………………….


Annex 1 Sub Project Reports



No visits to participating archives were made this month.  A small number of participating archives have still to be visited effectively for the first time, but mostly they are those at some distance from Edinburgh where the first visit will coincide with the start of collection description work.


Dr Nicola Mills started on 14 December as a casual member of staff.  She lives in Aberdeen and will be undertaking work for us in local archive offices.  During the month she undertook some migration of data compiled in the early months of the Project in the Word template we were using then to the “Wee Arkis” access database which has been developed for us by our IT staff, which mimics the useful functions of the Swedish Arkis system.  This test migration will inform us about the migration of all of our current data which will need to be managed in the next few months.


On 14 December the Project’s contact in the Riksarkivet, Sweden, visited us to discuss further progress on the implementation by SCAN of Arkis.  These discussions permitted the formulation of a timetable for future work with a view to SCAN’s acquisition of Arkis in 2001.


No new collection description entries were compiled during the month because of pressure of other commitments and lack of staff.  Most of the entries for the Scottish Theatre Archive were further revised, and are almost complete now.  About 50 entries for Lothian Health Services Archive were revised and sent off for review.  Comments were received from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, about all their entries, but it proved impossible to respond before the end of the month. 


A few further comments about the SCAN Guidelines for data entry were received by the end of the month.  A revised version will be issued, probably in February, taking into account comments received.  No comments were received on Jo Peattie’s draft of some “common fonds” entries, which are Administrative Histories for collections of records commonly found in local authority archives (only those so far tackled), which had been circulated in September. 


The first participating archive PC having been installed in November, arrangements were carried through with the Scottish Jewish Archive Centre, Glasgow, for some publicity photos and press release to be compiled for distribution in mid-December.  Arrangements were also made for a general notice about PC availability to be sent out to all participating archives.


Alan Borthwick attended the British Records Association Conference, “History On-Line”, London, 5 December.  The Conference had as speakers from many British organisations undertaking similar work to SCAN.


The Project staffing position has eased this month.  Although 2 curatorial B1/2 posts were still vacant at the end of the month, a further new staff member will start on 8 January.  There will continue to be a spell of some weeks while the project cannot proceed as swiftly as expected because of the staff shortage.  The performance measures for the next month or two will be adjusted to take account of the shortfall, but we hope that by the end of January the new staff in post will have settled down and will be beginning to make useful contributions. 


INTERNET RESOURCES PROJECT (formerly Special Archive Services)


Much of December was spent getting to grips with the site designed by the website designers,  Multimedia, after the initial handover at the end of November 2000. This involved learning how to use the Macromedia software package ‘Dreamweaver’ and understanding the site functionality and the practicalities of adding new material. As a consequence, little new material was added to the site in December. In addition, the Internet Resources team continued to correct site errors – for example in the ‘North by Northwest’ captions under the ‘exhibitions’ part of the website. It was noted that some design changes would need to be gradually introduced in the site by the Internet Resources team.


Although the designers created three pages for the display of retrieved data from the Knowledge Base database in November, the SCAN IT staff were unable to link the two together and therefore the database was not made to function online in the course of December. This also meant that Robin spent some time creating specific webpages for sample Knowledge Base entries already created so that users could have some idea of the theory behind this part of the site. Equally, the Yellow Pages information (contact info for archives) was initially intended to be in the form of a searchable database but it currently a static web page containing the relevant info – alphabetically arranged. It is hoped that this situation will be remedied in the course of January 2001. The online contact and registration forms were not functioning in the course of December but this should also be fixed in January 2001. The discussion forum was functioning at the time of the site launch but this facility was little used in the course of December.


Much positive and constructive feedback was received by the Internet Resources team on the site design and a copy of this will be found in the ‘feedback’ file kept by the project administrator.


Training and Outreach

Joanna Baird attended the British Records Association Conference on 5 December in London. She also attended a training course in ‘selection interviewing’ held by the Scottish Executive on 8 December.


Robin Urquhart made four visits to participating archives in the course of December – Edinburgh University Special Collections, Scottish Jewish Archive Centre, Strathclyde University Archives and Glasgow City Archives.


Dr Barnes spoke to meetings of the Scottish Law Agents Society and to the Law Society of Scotland and to the conference of Scottish Mediaevalists.



As from 1st December 2000, the way that statistics are being recorded will change. Prior to this date, the team have maintained statistics on material drafted for inclusion in the prototype website – regardless of whether it was added or not – as there was no website for public viewing available technically until 30 November 2000. These statistics will now solely reflect the content that has been added to the website. In some cases, material has been recycled and entries previously created and included in previous stats re ‘drafting’ are going to reappear in the ‘added to site figures’. Therefore, it will look in some cases as though we are starting from scratch though these totals are going to add up quickly (for example – although only 6 entries were added into the Knowledge Base in December because it only existed in a basic page format, we may put in 100 when the Knowledge Base database is functioning – thus bringing the totals up to a reasonable level again). Equally, though we have previously added over 100 featured documents to our prototype site, this started from scratch again and we have now created about 6 documents for the current website. Cumulative totals pre December are available at HLF/throughput monitoring sheet.



A new camera table and lights was received towards the end of December. However, some technical problems continued to dog the digitisation part of the Internet Resources project. These include the following problems which all affected progress:-


The quality of the images of documents was generally acceptable but it was decided to halt the stock job of digitally imaging glass plate negatives as the quality was not sufficient for this sort of work. We hope to resume this when the new digital camera arrives in March 2001.



Digital capture

Quality control of all the images captured in November was completed , but continuing problems with colour balance in the dCam software led to a diminution in the number of new images captured during the month. New copy stands and book cradles for the cameras were installed in the week before Christmas, which will considerably improve the conditions for capturing both double and single page images. For optimum efficiency some modifications will need to be made to the stands and it is expected that these will be made about the end of January. Invitations to tender for the next camera procurement were sent out on 1 December, with a reply deadline of 12 January 2001.

Our GSU team was completed by the arrival of Mr and Mrs Daines shortly before Christmas.


Peter and Dagmar continued with the cleaning and repair of the Edinburgh registers and the Aberdeen warrants respectively, and made preparations for the arrival of their new preservation assistant in the New Year. Dagmar attended a 1 day seminar on photographic conservation in London, as part of her continued acquisition of specialist skills for treating photographs selected for digital capture by Internet Resources.


The work of indexing and paginating by the GSU continued apace, despite sick leave by four members of the team, and three further commissariots - Banff, Dornoch, and Dingwall -  were completed.

Margaret continued indexing 19th century registers of Duns and Ayr, as well as starting on the selection for capture of pre-1823 Stirling warrants.

Jane continued labelling the Aberdeen warrants to facilitate Dagmar’s conservation of them and prepared for her transfer to home working in the New Year. Her main task will then be to link digital images to their correct index entries, using software developed by Rob Mildren.

Training and outreach

Hazel attended the British Records Association ‘History On-Line’ 1 day conference on 5 December, where the presence of SCAN staff was much appreciated. She then went to York for the Digital Preservation workshop run by Cedars on 6 December and the ‘Preservation 2000’ conference on the following two days.


Throughput Reports


Internet Resources (For detailed breakdown of stats please see the following document “Internet Resources performance detail 1200” in same folder)



December 2000 - Predicted

December 2000-


January 2000 - predicted

Cumulative Totals

Knowledge Base entries – added to site (figures begin from December 2000)





Palaeography texts, tips and transcripts added





Bookshop entries added






Virtual Strongroom  Research Tools entries added





Featured Documents’ added





Images created (inc JPEG copies made for web)





What’s New entries added (figures to begin from December 2000)





Exhibition entries added (caption and image)





Directory entries added (figures begin from November 2000)





Press Box content added





Visits made/talks given





Articles written






Milestones Achieved

No major milestones were achieved in December 2000





Online Catalogues


December 2000- Predicted

December 2000 - Achieved

January 2001 – Predicted

Totals achieved

TLFA initial draft entries –drafted





TLFA initial draft entries  - quality controlled





TLFA entries  - revised within SCAN





TLFA entries –

agreed by SCAN and part. archive





TLFA entries re-formatted into Wee Arkis






Further shell TLFA entries exist, but they have mostly not been entered in the stats as yet as further work on them is required


The stats for December/January reflect the shortage and inexperience of staff.





December predicted

December achieved

January 2001 predicted

Cumulative total

Index entries created





Vols/pages numbered






Indexing in progress:

Ayr, Inventories (SC6/44); Dumbarton, Inventories and Wills (SC65/34); Dumfries, inventories and Wills (SC15/41); Dunblane, Inventories and Wills (SC44/44); Dunoon, Inventories (SC51/32); Duns, Inventories (SC60/41); Edinburgh, Inventories, Wills and Testamentary Deeds (SC70/1/71-176)

Indexes completed since November 1999:

Aberdeen (SC1/36 & 37), Alloa (SC64/42), Banff (SC2/40), Cupar (SC20/50), Dingwall (SC25/44), Dornoch (SC9/36), Dundee (SC45/31), Forfar (SC47/40), Perth (SC49/31), Stirling (SC67/36).

Also Edinburgh (SC70/1-70).


At 31 December there were 1132 volumes indexed out of 2033 = 55.7%

(Pre-1823 volumes: 567 out of 567 completed, i.e. existing printed index re-keyed.)

(NB. The re-keyed index also includes loose warrants)

Post-1823 volumes: 565 completed (indexed) out of 1466 = 38.5%



December predicted

December achieved

January 2001 predicted

Cumulative total








Volume pages



0  + 250

404 + 128

2500 + 200

48953 + 4854



Volumes completed





Loose documents assessed





Loose warrants cleaned/ repaired




(= 401ff)


(= 250ff)


(= 460ff)


At 31 December there were 844 volumes of the total of 2033 volumes ready for digital capture = 41.5% of the total.


Pre-1823 volumes: 132 completed (including conservation) out of 567  = 23%

Post-1823 volumes: 743 completed (paginated) out of 1466 = 50.7%



Digital capture


December achieved

January 2001 predicted

Cumulative total

Vols captured





Double pages





Single pages





Vols quality checked
















Annex 2

Notes of Project Board Meeting

19 December 2000     16.00


Attendees: Ishbel Barnes (Chair), Rob Mildren, Stuart Low (Minute Secretary).

Apologies: George Mackenzie


      1.         Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising


1.1        The minutes of the last meeting were approved and there were no matters arising.


      2.         Review of Work Plans


2.1       Internet Resources


2.1.1     It was agreed that the performance data supplied by the Internet Resources Team was now in accordance with the type of information, which has been requested by the HLF.


The sub-project work plans for both November and December were agreed and approved. 


2.2       Testaments


2.2.1     The comments made by the HLF in response to the digital image assessment survey were noted.


2.2.2     It was agreed that the performance data supplied by the Testaments Team was now in accordance with the type of information, which has been requested by the HLF.


The sub-project work plans for both November and December were agreed and approved. 


2.3       Catalogues


2.3.1     It was noted that a progress report had been produced which indicated the level of progress being made with each participating archive. It was agreed that the overall position did not give rise for concern at this time.


The sub-project works plan for both November and December were agreed and approved.


3          Procurement


3.1        It was noted that the tender arrangements for the procurement of 3 Atmel digital cameras were currently underway. It was agreed that an advance drawdown request for the procurement of the 3 cameras plus software, 2 copystands and 2 bookcradles be submitted to the HLF once the result of the tender exercise was known. It was also noted that the initial bookcradles ordered from IKM would be delivered w/c 18 December.                                    Action: SL


3.2        It was noted that the Morse had admitted that SCAN had been incorrectly invoiced for the ICT equipment, which they had supplied. It was further noted that Morse intended to send out a revised, itemised, invoice within the next few days.


3.3        It was noted that the participating archives had now been sent a pro-forma to complete in connection with the provision and installation of Personal Computing equipment. Returns are to be made by 31 January.


3.4        It was noted that Gorn Kristiansson from the Swedish National Archives had visited SCAN on 14/15 December. It was confirmed that there had been a successful transfer of information between the developmental mini-arkis and Arkis and that some of the Swedish had now been translated into English on the system. It was noted that agreement had now been reached on how to progress the development plans for Arkis 2. It was also noted that the decision on how to progress the procurement of Arkis 2 should be discussed at the forthcoming NAS strategic management review. It was further noted that a consultancy report requires to be produced in relation to this matter and that the consultant should be selected w/c 25 December. It was confirmed that progress would continue to be made on the development and input of data.


4          Staffing


4.1        It was noted that the conservation assistant, Anne Hunter, would be joining the project on 8 January.


4.2        It was noted that Nicola Mills had joined the project on Thursday 14 December as a temporary curatorial working from home. It was also noted that Jenny Cuts would be starting as a curatorial on Monday 8 January. It was further noted that Alison Diamond from the NAS would also be helping the cataloguing team.


4.3        It was noted that Sam Scanlin would be starting as a volunteer on the project early next year and would be working on the shell entries for the Knowledge Base on the administrative biographies of the boroughs.


            4.         Finance


4.1        A written report was tabled. [Extract Attached]


4.2        It was noted that McCabe’s had conducted an audit of the company’s affairs for the period 1 July 1999 and 31 June 2000. It was also agreed to engage McCabe’s to assist with the setting up of the company’s nominal ledger on Sage Instant.                          Action: SL


5.         User Group


5.1        It was confirmed that the next meeting of the User group would be held on Saturday 10 March in Glasgow.


6.         Participating Archives Working Group Meeting


6.1        It was noted SCAN was awaiting contact from Irene O’Brien regarding the next meeting of the PAWG. It was also noted that the web site forum had now opened up a channel for communication, which could now be used by all the participating archives involved in the SCAN project.


7.         SCAN Launch & Dissemination Campaign


7.1        It was confirmed that the SCAN launch event would now take place, as previously agreed, on Friday 6 April 2001.


7.2        It was noted that SCAN would be meeting with the Director of External Communications and the Director of International Marketing from the Scottish Tourist Board to discuss SCAN’s proposed launch event.


7.3        It was noted that a meeting had been arranged with the Lord Advocate to discuss ways in which SCAN and the Law Society could forge stronger links.


7.4        It was confirmed that SCAN had been accepted onto Lothian and Borders Enterprise Marketing Advance programme due to start on 16 January 2001.


7.5        It was noted that the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue had expressed an interest in being associated with the SCAN project and it was agreed to progress this further in January.                    Action: IB


The next Project Board meeting will be held on 17 January at 15.00 in Thomas Thomson House, Bankhead Crossway North, Edinburgh.



27 Dec 2000


Scottish Archive Network

Finance Report as at 12 December 2000




1. HLF Drawdowns


1.1 The October drawdown (15) of £37,102.29 was credited to SCAN’s account on 3 November. The November drawdown request (16) for £52,314.88 has been assessed as £52,314.88 and should be credited to SCAN’s account on 15 December.


1.2 There still appears to be a shortfall of £3.53 from the August Drawdown (13). To follow up with Helen at HLF.


1.3 The December drawdown (17) is currently under preparation and will be submitted on 18 December.


1.4       An advance drawdown for the procurement of a further 3 cameras and associated equipment is also under preparation for submission to the HLF on 18 December.










Annex 3


HLF Contract Special Conditions


  1. Fulfilled. The Scottish Archive Network follows all Scottish Executive procurement rules. This has been verified by Mr J Grady, Chief Procurement Officer NAS.


  1. SCAN believes that it is carrying out the Works and procuring the Works in a professional manner in accordance with currently accepted best practice in the Information Technology industry.


  1. Fulfilled.


  1. Detailed cost plan submitted and agreed with the HLF.  No changes in expenditure have been made without prior written approval.


  1. Signed monthly project reports and monthly cash flows are submitted to the HLF.


  1. The Project Initiation Document was submitted to the HLF as requested.


  1. Insurance has been obtained and full details given to the HLF.


  1. An ICT report was prepared and the tendering process undertaken as agreed.


  1. SCAN believes it has fulfilled and is fulfilling this condition.


  1. SCAN has submitted to the HLF its draft cataloguing standards





Schedule of Requirements for the Supply of Digital Cameras

October 1999



Information and Communications Technology Requirements

March 1999



Information and Communications Technology Tender Document

February 2000



Test plan submitted for installation of ICT equipment

October 2000



Data Capture Specification for Indexes

November 1999



Website design specification

November 1999



Evaluation and selection criteria for ICT equipment submitted in evaluation report “SCAN ICT Requirements Tender Report”

April 2000



Book Cradle Evaluation

July 2000



Web Site Tender Evaluation

January 2000



Camera Evaluation for HLF

May 2000



Resolution Requirements for Testaments

May 2000



Data Capture Tender Evaluation

December 2000



Weekly backups and daily incremental backups take place for all SCAN information (excluding images)


Uncompressed TIFF images are written to DLT and stored locally


Compressed JPEG images are written to the Internet Server where a backup is taken weekly
















All manuals received for ICT equipment and standard operation of digital cameras


Additional operator manual developed with GSU for the use of the digital camera




A presentation and report covering the entire ICT requirements for the project was given

May 2000



Information and Communications Technology Requirements

March 1999



Information and Communications Technology Tender Document

February 2000



Test plan submitted for installation of ICT equipment

October 2000



Data Capture Specification for Indexes

November 1999



Escrow discussed for deposit of digital images. SCAN has a contract clause with GSU to provide mutual restore and backup of digital images




Not done but there are all such applications to date have been developed, and belong to, Scottish Archive Network





  1. SCAN has fulfilled this condition: VAT is fully recovered.


  1. SCAN supports the extensibility of membership of the Scottish Archive Network with no financial implications


  1. SCAN has fulfilled this condition.


  1. This is accepted by SCAN.


  1. This is accepted by SCAN.


  1. This is accepted by SCAN


  1. The additional funding required by the HLF was secured.