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  Lighthouse Records

J M W Turner "Bell Rock Lighthouse"
Reproduced by kind permission of the trustees of the National Galleries of Scotland

December 1900 Flannan Islands Lighthouse

In December 1900, three lighthouse keepers of the Flannan Islands Lighthouse, to the west of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, disappeared in mysterious circumstances; what is commonly known as the 'Flannan Isle Disaster'. On 15 December 1900 the captain of a vessel passing the Flannan Islands noticed that no light was visible. On the 26 December 1900, the ship Hesperus reached Flannan. The ship was a 'lighthouse tender' sent by the Northern Lighthouse Board on a routine visit to the lighthouse. There was no sign of life on the island and no response was made to a rocket fired from the tender. Crew members were put ashore and discovered no trace of the lighthouse keepers and no obvious explanation for their absence.

The last written entries in the lighthouse log were for the 13th December but particulars for the 14th December and for the time of extinguishing the light on the 15th December were noted on slate for transfer later to the log. The official report on the case concluded that the lighthouse keepers had been the victim of extreme weather conditions and had probably been swept into the sea by an exceptionally large and unexpected wave.

27 December 1900, Telegram from the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners to the keeper of the lighthouse at Tiumpan Head, on the island of Lewis, to take temporary charge of the lighthouse on Flannan.
(National Archives of Scotland reference NLC3/1/1)
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26 December 1900, Telegram from the master of the Hesperus to the Secretary of the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners, Mr Murdoch, outlining the incident at Flannan Island Lighthouse.
(National Archives of Scotland reference NLC3/1/1)
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9 January 1901, Official Report by the Superintendent on the disaster at Flannan Islands Lighthouse (8 pages)
(National Archives of Scotland reference NLC3/1/1)
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You can find out more about records relating to Lighthouses from the SCAN Knowledge Base.