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Source 4B - School Log Book

Teachers had to keep a log-book (a diary) of what happened in their school. The log-book could be checked and comments from official visitors could be added to it.

Read the transcript of this log-book then answer the following questions.


1. Find three pieces of evidence which show that school attendance was important in 1903.

2. Which school subjects are mentioned in the log-book?
school log book
Pages from the log-book for Pitsligo School, Aberdeenshire, 1903
Aberdeenshire Council Archives - AC5/150/1 pages 351 - 352
Log-Book Page, 1903
31st JulyOne new pupil came this week. Lessons as usual.
5th AugustExamined the registers and found them correct (L MacLauchlan Member)
6th AugustFifteen children who have been present every time the school has been opened since 1st May were today presented with certificates for regular attendance. A few lost the certificate by being absent one day.
25th SeptThis school was opened after the vacation on Tuesday. There were 46 children present on the opening day. Two of them were new pupils. There are now 52 on the register.
2nd OctoberThe attendance is improved this week. One new pupil came on Tuesday.
9th OctoberMonday morning was wet and nine pupils were absent, but the attendance has been good the rest of the week.
The drawing scheme has been returned approved.

Summary of the Inspector's Report
"The school continues to be faithfully and efficiently taught".
16th OctoberThe pupils in the Senior Division have now begun British History from AD 1603 and instead of preparing Geography on Wednesdays as shown in the timetable, map-drawing has been taken instead.
23rd OctoberLessons as usual
30th OctoberThe pupils in Higher and Lower Infant Classes have begun new reading books this week. The average attendance is not quite as good this week. With 53 pupils on the roll, the averages for the last three weeks are 51.6, 50.8 and 50.5.
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