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Teachers Notes
Sugested Answers
Suggested answers for the on-line questions are provided below. To allow for differentiation, worksheets with more structured questions are provided on-line.

Topic 1 Transport

Source 1A
1 Three, trams, cars, horse drawn carts
2 Electricity (trams), petrol engines (cars), horse power (carts
3 Different speeds for different vehicles causing congestion.

Source 1B
1 Long trains, large crowds (possibly big platforms)
2 individual compartments (no central corridor) - could not go to restaurant or toilet
3 Ladies - big hats, good coats; gents - "boaters", suits
4 Steam

Source 1C
1 big boat and crowded
2 steam
3 soot from the funnel dirtying them
4 It is probably not possible to tell

Source 1D
1 probably four (two in the back, two in front)
2 the style of the vehicle or the size of the house or they have photographed the car
3 petrol engine
4 People could travel when and where they wanted.
5 possibly cold and wet (open air)
6 heavy warm clothing (see the driver/chauffeur)

Topic 2 Highland Holidays

Source 2A
1 shooting (gun), fishing (rod), golf (clubs), tennis (racket)
2 sunny sky, pleasant scenery

Source 2B
1 Fishing, golf, tennis, croquet, touring (cars and horses) billiards
2 Fishing ü, golf ü, tennis ü, croquet, touring (cars and horses) billiards
3 lots of sports, invalid diet, "perfect sanitation"
4 smoking
5 Its size, patronised by royalty

Source 2C
1 shooting, golf, fishing
2 golf and fishing (not shooting)
3 Railway

Topic 3 Being Poor

Source 3A
1 e.g. no furniture, dirty, bare walls
2 e.g. poor clothes, dirty,
3 e.g. naked but there is milk on the fireplace

Source 3B
1 e.g earth floor, joist roof, "unfit for pigs"
2 two of them had sold their clothes to pay for food.
3 there was no other way of getting money
4 she was ill ( a swelling)
5 pupils provide their own answer (possible role play?)
6 Yes, she was given help.

Source 3C
1 Christmas night
2 On the stair, 6 Whitefield Road, Govan,
3 Flannel barry, night gown, jacket, shawl, woollen hood and covered with a shawl.
4 She had abandoned the baby
5 Some of the clothes are described as "new" or his clothes had not been sold for food.
6 He was taken into care.

Topic 4
These questions have been set to make pupils compare modern schools to what they can find out about schools a hundred years ago, so the suggested answers are very general.

Source 4A (answers here will vary from school to school)
1 desks/seats in rows (fixed to the floor) rather than groups
2 boys and girls are separated
3 teacher is on a platform at the front with the blackboard beside her

Source 4B
1 almost all the entries mention attendance - it was checked on 5th August
2 Drawing (9th Oct), History, Geography, Reading

Source 4C
1 Reading, writing, arithmetic, geography
2 Weaving, stencilling, basket making, drawing, sewing
3 In front of their desks - there is a slot for them.

Topic 5 Skye Famine

Source 5A
1 pupils will have identified the areas - possibly on printed copies of the map.

Source 5B
1 the answer will vary according to the areas the pupil has chosen.
2 gone up.
3 A variety of bar graphs will show this - individuals/groups can compare graphs.

Source 5C
1 total failure of the potato crop, small division of the land, excessive number of families
2 What is going to happen to these families.
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