Letterhead of Adam, Sons & Co,
Leith Wool Sales, 1884 who had their premises in
Leith at 129 Constitution Street, Leith.
The letter stated, "we take this opportunity of
reminding Wool Growers who have not hitherto been
accustomed to send their Wools for disposal in this
market, that the Leith Wool Sales are the largest
of the kind for Home-grown Wools in Great Britain;
and as both English and Scotch Manufacturers attend
them, Wool Growers have the advantage of getting
their Wools sold direct to the Consumer who bids
most in an Open Market.... Owing to Leith being
exceptionally well situated, with several competing
railway lines to England, and numerous sea routes
to England, Ireland and the Continent, freights
to and from it are exceptionally low."
(National Archives of Scotland reference GD176/2640) |